For change to be meaningful, it must entail the total removal of race laws from the statute books; this is impossible in the immediate future, and it cannot be achieved peacefully over a period of years without black co-operation; it is also necessary to overcome white complacency and white fear of anything so radical. Recent events have certainly done much to make whites less complacent, but blacks have never looked less like co-operating with white plans and practically nothing has been done towards conquering white fear. But those who believe in the possibility of peaceful change through the Nationalist government do not understand the gulf which exists between that government and black opinion. Because of this gulf, the African National Congress has concluded that change can only come through armed force. The ANC view is strengthened by the failure of the white opposition seriously to address itself to the question of dislodging the Nationalists by constitutional means. Only by facing up to this need to rid the country of this major obstacle in our path can we be realistic in talking about peaceful change in South Africa.
To sum up, we may list four prerequisites for peaceful change:
– We must have black co-operation
– We must overcome white complacency
– We must overcome white fear, and
– We must have a change of government.
Those who accept this thesis may proceed directly to Chapter 9, as it is unnecessary to persuade them of this need. Those who do not should read the first eight chapters in order to understand the basis of this thesis.
As blacks do not control our constitution or our lawmaking, they are in no position to initiate peaceful change. The ANC tried persuasion in its early days and found it impossible, finally resorting to violence as a last resort. Violence of several kinds is now commonplace, and in a sense, peaceful change needs special definition.
This is a modified extract from the following source: Malherbe, P., 1986. A Scenario for Peaceful Change in South Africa. 1st ed. Published by: College Tutorial Press, Cape Town.
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