This book is the direct result of the constant distortion and maligning of the South African historical background, and the efforts to deny to the South African Nation its place, and the benefits of a rich and valiant past which is essential for its future development, and for the development of South African unity. There is no unity among the people of the country; it is torn with dissension, and the dominant note in the political life of the country is still the 150 years old conflict between South African nationalism and British imperialism.
Undivided. and unqualified South African patriotism is not in command of the country. The two contending forces, South Africanism versus Britishism, each with its own separate flag and anthem, wage a cold war, though guile and subterfuge endeavour to hide the true nature of the conflict. Daily the leading articles of the Press are devoted to this rivalry between two nationalisms under the banner of some fine sounding slogan, including unity. New organisations such as the Torch Commando with ample funds led by officers from the Royal Air Force of Britain and the British Army add to the turmoil and the spirit of hostility. Misrepresentation and distortion of the truth fill the land with misunderstanding, suspicion, prejudice and hate to the detriment and danger of all in South Africa and the future of the country. The lessons from the 300 years of South African history offer a true guide to the present; they hold the truth that is needed, but unfortunately a curtain of prejudice, bias and hostility obscures the light of history, and so the struggle of 150 years still goes on, and the cold war has taken a turn for the worse because of advances made by South African nationalism. A torrent of cheap and easy words calling for unity floods the land, but positive action to obtain conditions that must create a common bond, the basis of unity, is fought fiercely and bitterly. The ideal of unity itself is prosituted for the uses of the cold war. This situation, in view of South Africa’s particular multi- racial conditions, can only bring ruin. Only a sane national perspective can save the situation. This book is an effort towards a better national perspective which is the key to unity and peace, and a sane national life.
is the key to unity and peace, and a sane national life. President KRUGER said: “Take everything that is good and noble from the past and build thereon your future.” But, if you do not know and understand the past, how will you be able to take from the past what is good and noble, how will you be able to profit from the experiences and lessons of the past? It is therefore essential for everyone to have knowledge and understanding of the history of the. country to understand the problems of the present and to have guidance from the past in dealing with them